the magic is within you.
let’s find it.
Welcome friends, seekers, inner adventurers, intuition-lovers & artists of life
Join me on the greatest journey….the journey within. Let’s re-awaken the deep knowing that calls us to live each moment with magic and wonder.
your pathway to an illuminated life
open your mind.
The world is so much more than we’ve been told. YOU are so much more than you’ve been told. My books are designed to awaken you to the deep truth and higher reality that abides beyond the transitory reality we call home.
go within.
You are not alone. Each day, more and more people are boldly going where few have gone before…stepping into the mystery of the deep dimension. IntuitionLab is a community of inner adventurers and you are invited to join us.
experience the magic.
Your intuition opens you up to a hidden world of beauty, wonder, and magic. Don’t just take it from me; you can experience it for yourself when you start to recognize the subtle ways life is speaking to you every day.
“If you look closely, you can see the magic everywhere. Since the day you were born, an invisible, intuition-accessible code has been infiltrating your reality. What if this code contains all the answers you seek but exists on a level that is out of reach for your thinking mind? What if your intuitive mind is the ultimate quantum computer — able to process an entirely different kind of information — if only you knew how to turn it on and use it.”
Hello! I’m Kim Chestney
I am devoted to raising awareness of the inner, sacred guide that illuminates our hearts and minds.
As a writer, artist, and intuition teacher, my life passion is sharing the intuitive experience with others. I have helped thousands of people, all around the world, to discover the wonder and power of their inner wisdom.
Join me and explore the inner frontier!

“Kim Chestney is on the vanguard of a movement to unearth the genius within.”
— Pittsburgh Post Gazette
My leading-edge intuition development school, IntuitionLab, is a heart-centered international community dedicated to helping you explore the true nature of reality and discover your inner truth. Join me for year-round classes, workshops, and inner adventures! All are welcome.
join my next live workshop + practice your intuition with me.
join my next live workshop + practice your intuition with me.
The Inner Vision Quest Retreat
Join me in Sedona for the 2025 Equinox
Take a self-discovery adventure in one of the most energetically powerful and sacred places on earth!
pick a card
start a conversation with the part of you that knows everything
I created a complete set of intuition development cards to help you learn your unique intuitive language…and open up the lines of inner communication any time you like!
Every card was designed by me to open space for the “sacred seeing” process (visio-divina), where your intuition speaks to you in the stillness of visual contemplation.
i have a card just for you…
my online card deck is always free for everyone.
#1 new release
in metaphysics
A part of you knows everything.
Reimagining human intuition as the true means to navigate reality, this book reveals that intuitive thinking is, in fact, a kind of quantum thinking that naturally extends beyond the limits of the intellectual mind.
The Illumination Code:
7 Keys to Unlock Your Quantum Intelligence
Free Intuition Affinity Quiz
what kind of intuitive are you?
Are you a natural Healer, Sage, Visionary or Mystic?
Take this simple (free!) quiz to find out your natural intuitive type and how to open up your intuition pathways.
join me at the inner frontier
Find out what intuition really is and why it is so important for your life…and our future.
Visit my YouTube channel for free intuition tips, workshops + deep conversations.
get started
4 Steps to Ignite Your Inner Power & Live by the Wisdom Within
Download my free 12-page “Wake Up Your Intuition Guide”
YOU are the teacher you have been looking for. My intuition awakening guide helps you to discover your unique intuitive language so you can live each day by your sacred inner guide.

insights in your inbox
Join my community for weekly intuition tips, teachings & tools for leading an insightful life.