Are You Awakening? 5 Ways to Take Your Spiritual Growth to the Next Level

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the way you awaken is uniquely yours.

We all awaken differently. Some of us are slow to rise. Others rise and shine. Sometimes, even, we fall back to sleep…

People talk a lot about awakening as if it is a magical moment that changes everything forever. And while that can be the case, more often than not, it is a process that ebbs and flows throughout a lifetime.

For example, you may have an experience early in your life that shifts your perspective and opens your eyes to higher consciousness. This can be an exhilarating time! Life is fresh and inspired, brimming with the sweet nectar of Truth.

But, what happens when the shine of our awakening wears off?

What happens when duty calls? When you are called back to work, back to the grind…back to reality? This is wear so many of us stall on our spiritual path. We get distracted. We get off our spiritual game because we don’t continue to fuel our awakening.


Awakening itself is only half the battle. First, we have to wake up; then, we need to stay awake. We have got to be ever-vigilant not to fall back to sleep. Not to let the din of everyday life lull us back into unconsciousness.


“Real spiritual awakening is when something emerges from within you that is deeper than who you thought you were. So, the person is still there, but something more powerful shines through the person.” ~Eckhart Tolle

5 Ways to Empower Your Awakening

Awake? Well, let’s keep that momentum going! Here are a few simple ways to feed the fire of your soul’s growth:

This is the singularly most important act of spiritual commitment. A simple daily practice (even if its only 15 minutes each day) will energize your growth. I talk in detail about how to build your own personal ‘sadhana,’ or spiritual ritual, in my blog post “How to Energize Your Life with A Daily Spiritual Ritual (that you will love!).”

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Don’t be surprised if new books, videos, classes and workshops just sort of ‘fall into your lap.’ New opportunities are attracted to us to propel us forward in our growth. Follow the signs. Dig into anything that resonates. Wisdom comes in many forms, so be open to what comes to you!

The universe is always guiding you…. from the inside and outside. Notice the thoughts that arrive out of nowhere or when your attention to something out of the blue. One of the hallmarks of your intuition is that it comes to you without thinking. So be sure to honor those sudden insights, epiphanies, revelations, or signs from the universe that come your way throughout each day.

When we are alone, we aren’t really alone. We are forever connected to everyone and everything in the universe. Making time in your life to both talk and listen to wisdom from above is so important to our inner growth. True direction comes from within. They say: In prayer, we speak to God; in meditation, we listen.

And what is the faculty that the Universe uses to communicate with us? Our Intuition. This leads us to our final, and most powerful way to empower our spiritual evolution…

Your Intuition holds all the answers you are looking for…and more. And, most of all, its singular purpose is to guide you to fulfill your highest potential in this world. It is your spiritual GPS. It infuses, within you, the highest wisdom, direction and inspiration in your life. It is your birthright. If you are alive, you have Intuition. So, tune into it, honor it and follow it through ~ you will be amazed at the unimaginable places it takes you!

You can join an intuition development group and practice live with us at my global intuition center, IntuitionLab.


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