Coherence: The Loving Embrace of the Universe

Coherence is the state of union within existence. It can be so powerful that it awakens you to new levels of consciousness as you expand in harmony with the quantum field. You can experience the state of coherence as a kind of transcendence, bliss, or rapture of the spirit. The sense of peace and power that comes with coherence can even feel like a state of grace, where you are filled with the knowledge, peace, and power of the deep dimension.

In quantum physics, when subatomic particles are in a coherent state, they can cooperate and communicate with each other. Through resonant wave patterns, individual waves and particles get into phase and behave like one united wave-particle system.

You can see an example of this when you look at different types of light. Coherent light is constant in both frequency and phase with a single frequency and wavelength, and incoherent light has inconsistent frequencies and waves.

The difference between coherent and incoherent states.

Lasers and fiber optics work with forms of coherent light, with waves being so tightly knit that they can travel vast distances without diffusing. You see incoherent light in incandescent and fluorescent lightbulbs and flashlights. Even the sun, with its large full-spectrum bandwidth, is very incoherent. Light waves that travel in coherence are much more efficient and can carry impressive amounts of information. This is why coherent light is used ubiquitously in technology. Laser light can reach the moon and beyond — beaming endlessly into space. The fiber-optic cables that we use to run our global information network carry information-light-energy so fast that it travels at about 70 percent the speed of light. Coherent states travel in flow and exhibit great power from their unification.

Knowing this, why should light behave any differently in our own bodies? The guiding information-light-energy of the quantum field flows more efficiently into our consciousness when we are in a coherent state — when we meet it on its own wavelength. When you are on the same wavelength as the universe, you are attuned to its energy and flow of information. Coherent union is a return to wholeness as individual consciousness moves into a state of coherence with the field, becoming one with the vast, unified field of cosmic consciousness.

Coherence is a state of oneness with the universe.

When you live in a coherent state, you live in the flow of life. You play your own special tune in the great song of the universe — with perfection. Your mind and heart are attuned to the information and energy that informs you, arising from the oneness of your inner field. When you live in this state, your mind is at peace and your heart is full. You are just where you are meant to be — and you recognize that. The way naturally unfolds before you, and doors open just when you need them to. Like an individual wave flowing along with the great wave of existence, you live each day in tandem — in trust — with the outpouring of life itself.

On the other hand, when you live in an incoherent state, you feel as though you have fallen out of sync with life, like you are playing the wrong notes at the wrong time in our cosmic symphony. You may feel confused or emotionally overwhelmed — cut off from the guiding flow of your inner field. When you live in this state, you can feel like you are in a rut or frustrated with your life path — like you are lost, stressed, fearful, or anxious. Incoherence steals your peace of mind. Once-opened doors now close to re-direct you back into coherence.

The quantum field is constantly pulling you back into a state of coherence with it. As though life itself cannot rest in zero-point peace until you — and all the other minds in the universe — re-unite with it, it perpetually calls you home. It uses your inner guidance system to bring you back into alignment with its flow. As much as you crave reconnection with life, life craves reconnection with you. Every wave of incoherent energy is magnetically called back to join the unified field. No matter how incoherent life gets — no matter how hard the ups, downs, pains, and losses — your guiding powers of insight and resonance lead you, like a compass, back to your true north.

Finding coherence is a necessary step in the expansion of consciousness. It is also the optimum state for your intuition. Dr. Rollin McCraty, the director of research at HeartMath Insti- tute, has done extensive scientific studies on coherence, explaining, “We also found that if people get themselves into what we call a coherent state — a heart coherent state — that facilitates neural communication in intuition experiments. It’s increasing our access to our intuitive capacities by even just sitting in a coherent state for a few minutes.” Simone Wright explained, “Coherence indicates connectedness, cooperation, and a holistic balance in a system that has many individual moving components, all of which synchronize so that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.”

The Loving Embrace of the Universe

You can understand coherence as a scientific term for the state of love. Coherence with another person creates an unbreakable bond, an entangled union, in the flow of shared experience. Much like the feeling of being in love, you are empowered by coherent personal connections that make you feel alive, reconnected, and part of something bigger than yourself. Focused within, coherence is self-love — the intuitive call to authentically reconnect with life and fully self-actualize. Through inner coherence, you can reconnect with a deep wholeness that revitalizes and illuminates you with qualities like:

  • clearer, visionary thinking

  • a peaceful sense of calm and trust in life

  • increased intuitive flow and awareness

  • a strengthened energy field and sense of vitality

  • confidence and resilience

  • creativity, ingenuity, and inspired action

  • an expanded capacity to love

Growing into deeper coherence with life is the true aim of spiritual growth, personal evolution, and the path to enlightenment. All the signals you receive from the quantum field — all the information, energy, insightful thoughts, and resonant feelings — stream 24/7 with the sole purpose of reuniting you with the whole truth of life. The more coherence you establish with your inner dimension, the less you will be troubled by the pain of incoherent states. The high-vibration waves of cohesive consciousness are unaffected by rogue incoherent waves of untruth, fear, distress, or confusion.

Do you feel that you are living in coherence with your true nature? That your life and actions are in sync with who you really are? When we have inner coherence, we don’t have to pretend to be something we are not. We live true to our self.

Inner coherence comes with an abiding sense of peace, power, and trust in life. When you live in this state, tuned in to the frequency of the deep dimension within you, you are in a state of love with life. This is why so many spiritual awakenings are accompanied by feelings of bliss and joyful reunion with life — the synchronization of energy between your individual being and the ever-present universe generates a coherence that can be felt as a powerful rapture of love. Coherence is the loving embrace of the universe.

Love is the ultimate state of coherence.

It is the all-powerful force that reunites you with the quantum field, your inner dimension, the universe, God, and your true and whole being. All the clichés we have learned about love turn out to be true, even through the scientific lens. All you need is love. God is love. Love will conquer all. We are living in a very incoherent world — full of strife, confusion, and suffering. The return to coherence puts an end to all of that because all of those things are byproducts of living out of sync

with the universe. The ills of our world are symptoms of our inner disconnection — of seeing the other instead of the one. Coherence draws you back into union with life and the quantum field so you can live each day by the inherent wisdom held there.

The endgame to life — what we have all been looking for — is the return to inner coherence, to reunite with the deepest part of yourself. Your quest for self-actualization can take wrong turns if you look for yourself in the wrong place — in the wrong people, vocations, aspirations, or material possessions.

By turning within, you slough off the false parts of yourself and strip down to the pure, authentic truth of who you are. This can be an uncomfortable process at first and feel more like you are becoming no one than becoming the someone you thought you should be. As you recalibrate into union with the zero-point field of nothingness and everythingness, you are taking the greatest step on the journey of life…the journey home to your whole self.


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