How to Create A Living Sacred Altar in 4 Easy Steps
Energize Your Intuition with a Sacred Space in Your Home
Building a sacred space in your home is a powerful way to cultivate a daily connection with your intuitive growth and expansion. With time, your altar can become a reminder of your highest intentions and a tool to practice regular self-care through a spiritual recharge.
What is a Living Altar?
A living altar is an expression of your inner nature ~ and a reflection of your spiritual journey. The Latin root of altar, altārium, means “high” ~ which, in our case, becomes a manifestation of our “highest” connection to our inner being and ultimate wholeness.
Your living altar does not need to be elaborate or follow any prescribed system. It can be a simple and beautiful display ‘raised’ your experiences and intentions. You can build your altar indoors, in a private nook, table or shelf ~ or outdoors, in a garden, stump or flower pot. Anywhere that inspires you and that you see often!
We build intuitive altars all the time ~ and you may already have one without realizing it. Those decorative displays on your mantle or windowsill full of trinkets that have touched your soul are examples of ways you have focused and commemorated your expansive energy.
1. Dedicate a Sacred Space
Where are your favorite spaces in your home? Select somewhere you love to spend time or a place with a high-vibration that uplifts you when you pass by. A quiet place where you can sit in reflection is nice, too. But you can build your altar in any place that feels good to you!
You can use a simple space, like a bookshelf or windowsill. Or, you can even convert a whole spare room into a meditation sanctuary full of your sacred things. It doesn’t matter how big or small it is, do what moves you and draws you into it, wherever you may be.
Once you have selected a location, clear it out of any clutter. Wipe it clean of any dust and consider burning some sage or palo santo to clear any old energy and open space for your new intentions.
2. Start Building Your Altar with Your Favorite Objects
Intuitively collect any special items that have contributed to your spiritual journey. Gather any tokens, travel souvenirs, or other objects that symbolize important, expansive moments in your life.
These sacred objects can include anything that brings you joy, like:
Gemstones, rocks, crystals, shells or other items that connect you with the earth
Dried flowers, herbs, or plants that you love
Essential oil sachets or sprays to use when you sit in contemplation
Momentos of your spiritual path and growth
Beautiful artwork, mandalas or images that soothe your soul
Photos of any teachers or guides who give you strength
Your favorite insight cards, inspirational quotes or spiritual tools
Scented or electric candles
Decorative sculptures or figurines
You can put anything on your altar that uplifts your spirit and reminds you of your spiritual path. With time, you will add more and more to your altar so you may want to leave space for expansion or rotation of items.
3. Design + Build Your Altar
Once you have collected all of your items and cleansed your space, you can begin to arrange your sacred objects. It’s best to begin by placing your largest or most important objects first, then arranging the rest around them.
Use your intuition to feel a positive energy flow between your items. Consider adding elements of symmetry or circles into your design; these are powerful expressions of sacred geometry that can add energy to your space.
If you don’t have a regular, private space for your altar, it’s easy to create a portable altar on a beautul tray or decorative box! (See below)
4. Bring Your Altar to Life
Finally, make a habit of spending regular contemplation time in your sacred space, even if it’s only a few moments each to acknowledge the power of your journey.
Your altar is a place that bonds your sacred space, enhancing your intuitive connection and providing a perfect space for meditation, journaling, card reading, and any of your favorite spiritual practices. Sitting near your altar, lighting a candle on it, or using its sacred objects ~ are all ways to integrate its power into your daily wellness rituals.
This sacred space is not only a symbol of your inner growth, it is a reminder for spiritual self-care that can nurture you for the rest of your life.